As groomers we emphasize to our clients that regular grooming appointments are a priority not a luxury, because that it is the best way to maintain a healthy pet. Yet everything we do for our business is a priority, everything except OUR OWN HEALTH.
I have often pondered the reason:
- We want to succeed in growing the business
- We want to be reliable and loyal to our customers
- As parents we want to be supermum/dad
Therefore we feel there is no time for looking after US.
Yet so many of the topics on Groomers Forums are about managing the pain, having enough energy, feeling burned out. I see a lot of excuses as to not having time to eat or exercise yet these are a huge part of the solution, if only we could just manage our eating and our time in the same way as we manage our business. (I was one of those making excuses!)
Why do we go into the grooming business?
- We are passionate about animals
- We love to grow and learn about the things we are passionate about
- We want to do a job that we love doing and is also a means of income (win win)
- It can be as flexible a job as we need it to be (Can be worked around family commitments)
- Convenience of home based business, mobile or shop.
- Holidays can be worked around quiet times
- Networking with other awesome groomers 🙂
Why is Health and Well-being not discussed or documented at the beginners level? I believe we will have strong, healthier groomers if it was ingrained from the beginning just the same as you are taught to look after your equipment. The following points make health and wellbeing an important inclusion to any physical job. No one goes to the gym and expects results without proper nutrition and exercise (well, maybe some do but it’s not going to happen!)
- Finances – cannot be made without health
- Family – we can’t contribute without health
- Holiday – can’t be enjoyed without health
- Retirement – can’t enjoy without health
Do we think more about Finances or Health?
I believe we focus on what is most important, and we need to pay bills right? But how can we earn an income when we are burned out and not healthy. We could earn more if we were fit and healthy. If you are currently only managing to get 3 or 4 dogs done in a day because of fatigue or pain, if you felt better wouldn’t 1 extra dog a day make an impact on your finances?
Do we compromise our Health for Finances?
We certainly do , and we probably don’t realise the flow on effect the compromise can cause.
Does poor Health limit the ability to succeed in business?
Yes because when we burn out or are in pain it limits our ability to be productive.
Embrace one change in your mindset and see the benefits in your home and business life
HEALTH affects all things in our life.
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