I am reminded of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s book where he is speaking at the University of California and the students complaining that the Government increased tuition fees and the excuses Students gave why they can’t afford to pay. I won’t go into great detail but it is worth a read. But in short:
I’ve always figured out that there 24 hours a day. You sleep six hours and have 18 hours left. Now, I know there are some of you out there that say well, wait a minute, I sleep eight hours or nine hours. Well, then, just sleep faster, I would recommend.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
read more here
Arnold trained five hours a day; went to acting classes four hours a day; worked in construction for several hours a day; then went to college, and did his homework also.
Do we really have a good enough excuse not to find time? 30min less TV or FB?
We can schedule
- The hairdresser
- The masseur/chiro/acupuncture (feels great but its only a short term fix)
- The nail/tech/beautician
- A wedding/party/dog show/groom seminar/grooming competition
- Our Grooming appointments, even an EXTRA grooming appointment
Why can’t we schedule 30min walk/swim/yoga? 15min weight exercises
Buddy-up with a fellow groomer – Help each other
Include the kids and hubby, small changes to our lifestyle can make a big impact.
Meal Prep Sunday night – if you eat better the whole family benefits
I love this blog. The biggest problem I use to have was getting a gym membership and not going or when I did I just wandered aimlessly from machine to machine and never saw any results. Or I would get busy at work and work late and not make time for myself. Clients make demands…..oh I have to pick the kids up go to yoga and spin so this is when I’m available. I always figured since I didn’t have children it was my gain cuz I could work longer. But the thing is I’m not going to groom very long if I’m not taking care of myself. I now have a 4 pm standing appointment at my gym with a structured workout for an hour. And two people that were actually coaches at biggest loser and a stand in coach that actually won the biggest loser. We have tons of support at our gym. My husband started going because he saw my results and how much happier of a person I was. And I’m definitely less stressed Lots of times we get so caught up and we need to remember what’s important….US.